To join IPC2021 Live Conference sessions click here
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The IUSSP International Population Conference is the world’s largest international scientific conference on population and demography. The conference brings together researchers, policymakers and practitioners from diverse disciplines and from across the globe, to present and discuss the latest research on a broad range of contemporary population issues.
At the invitation of the Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP), the 29th International Population Conference (IPC2021) was to take place in Hyderabad, India from 5-10 December 2021. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, IPC2021 will now be an entirely virtual conference.
The virtual conference is an opportunity to offer around-the-clock sessions to enable participants from around the world to present new research and meet with colleagues. All sessions will be available on-demand as video recordings. Opportunities to meet, discuss and interact virtually with colleagues will be provided.
The Conference is open to all members of the population community and draws upon experts from many disciplines working in research, teaching, governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as the private sector. Institutions working in the population field are encouraged to organise exhibits, side meetings, training workshops or sponsored research sessions.
The Conference will include oral presentations and posters selectedround-tables, debates and panel discussions from research submitted to the call for papers. There will also be keynotes, round-tables, debates and panel discussions featuring leading experts in the field.
IPC 2021 will include a particular focus on COVID-19 and its impacts and provides an exceptional venue for population scientists to assess the pandemic’s impacts across population, health and socio-economic dimensions cutting across the 25 conference themes.
Other cross-cutting topics include:
• Environmental Degradation and Climate Change
• Regional Population Growth and Decline
• Population Ageing and the first and second demographic dividends
• Inequalities and Systemic Disadvantages related to socioeconomic status, gender, religion and culture
• Urban Demography
• Innovations in Data and Methods, including Big Data (social media, digital trace, remote sensing).
The online call for papers closed on 15 May 2021.