Research Leader Sessions – IPC2021


Methodological enquiry in measurement of traditional methods of contraception in modern times
Organized by: African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP) and TEAM UP Consortium

Les bases de données sur la mortalité et la santé de l’Ined : des ressources précieuses pour les comparaisons internationales
Organized by: INED (French Institute for Demographic Studies)

New evidence on urban fertility and family planning in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
Organized by: IUSSP Scientific Panel on Family Planning, Fertility and Urban Development

Launch of Genus Thematic Series on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems
Organized by: IUSSP Scientific Panel on Population Perspectives and Demographic Methods to Strengthen CRVS Systems

Addressing the needs of marginalized populations impacted by climate change: Evidence gaps at the intersection of the population and climate sciences Population Council’s Population, Environmental Risks and Climate Change (PERCC) Initiative 
Organized by: Population Council

Modern Approaches to Vital Statistics Production, Dissemination and Usage: Harnessing civil registration data to advance Population Health and Gender Equality
Organized by: UNFPA

New Resources: Population Data Platforms 
Organized by: UNFPA

Use of census and registry data to advance the Decade of Healthy Aging
Organized by: UNFPA

Youth Mixed Migration in Gateway Cities
Organized by: UNFPA

Quantifying Uncertain Migration Scenarios
Organized by: University of Southampton

India Day Research Leader Sessions

National and subnational investigation of the drivers of success in maternal and newborn mortality reduction in India; Exemplars in Global Health
Organized by: India Health Action Trust

Ageing in India: Emerging issues and changes based on LASI
Organized by: International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

Good practices, innovative approaches and challenges in streamlining and leveraging interventions to respond to Coronavirus
Organized by: Learning for Impact USAID project

Building trust in India’s data ecosystem: A model of change
Organized by: Population Council

Family Planning in India during FP2020: Progress and lessons for FP2030
Organized by: Population Council

Reaping the Benefit of Demographic Dividend in India: Challenges, Opportunities and Policy Options
Organized by: UNFPA




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